Red Dirt Tours is a Savannah Guides Enterprise
Vicki Jones has proudly been an accredited Savannah Guide since 1998 and once establishing Red Dirt Tours in 2015 it was a natural progression for the business to be accredited as a part of the organisation as well.
About Savannah Guides:
Savannah Guides is a not for profit organisation comprising a network of professional tour guides and operators across Australia’s vast tropical savannahs. It was established in 1988 with the original purpose to provide access for visitors to unique natural features in a manner which protected them; and to provide a benchmark of professionalism and a platform through which members could learn from each other and from specialists in their field. This purpose and philosophy remains today.
The organisation accredits both operators and individuals. An individual Savannah Guide is recognised as a person who has the knowledge, professionalism and training required by the organisation, including assessment by his/her peers, and is someone at the pinnacle of the guiding profession.
Savannah Guides Enterprises must incorporate natural and/or cultural interpretive activities as a prominent part of their business and demonstrate a commitment to conservation values and ongoing professional development. Both Enterprise and Individual members must meet strict standards of operation and abide by professional Codes of Conduct.
Training, knowledge and professionalism are fundamental to Savannah Guides’ operating philosophy. Two training or field schools are conducted each year, at varying locations, and feature experts in related fields including ecology, land management and tourism. These field schools are critical to the training and education provided to both members and friends of the organisation. In addition, they provide members with an invaluable opportunity to meet, interact with, and learn from each other.
Learn more about Savannah Guides and become a Friend of the organisation by visiting their website.
About Savannah Guides:
Savannah Guides is a not for profit organisation comprising a network of professional tour guides and operators across Australia’s vast tropical savannahs. It was established in 1988 with the original purpose to provide access for visitors to unique natural features in a manner which protected them; and to provide a benchmark of professionalism and a platform through which members could learn from each other and from specialists in their field. This purpose and philosophy remains today.
The organisation accredits both operators and individuals. An individual Savannah Guide is recognised as a person who has the knowledge, professionalism and training required by the organisation, including assessment by his/her peers, and is someone at the pinnacle of the guiding profession.
Savannah Guides Enterprises must incorporate natural and/or cultural interpretive activities as a prominent part of their business and demonstrate a commitment to conservation values and ongoing professional development. Both Enterprise and Individual members must meet strict standards of operation and abide by professional Codes of Conduct.
Training, knowledge and professionalism are fundamental to Savannah Guides’ operating philosophy. Two training or field schools are conducted each year, at varying locations, and feature experts in related fields including ecology, land management and tourism. These field schools are critical to the training and education provided to both members and friends of the organisation. In addition, they provide members with an invaluable opportunity to meet, interact with, and learn from each other.
Learn more about Savannah Guides and become a Friend of the organisation by visiting their website.