Tours Calendar - availability is real-time online
- The below tour calendar is always current. Where availability is shown it is also current - this is a live online booking system.
- To book a particular tour just click on the tour on the specific date you want.
- If the tour you would like isn't scheduled then I may have other commitments or may have scheduled a maintenance day. I hope you understand.
- To see more about the tours go to Day Tours in the menu.
Dinosaur Stampede Tours - If the 3/4 day and Full day Dinosaur Stampede tours are FULL, look for a HALF DAY Dinosaur Stampede Tour - Dino Dash! This tour doesn't visit the private property to see the views but it gets you to the Stampede and back with loads of information, the site tour at the stampede, and morning tea included! Back in town for lunch - 8.15am - 1.00pm.